What is Google Discover and How It Pertains to SEO?

Maybe you've heard of Google Discover, but don't know exactly what it is or what its usefulness is when it comes to SEO or even personal use. Google launched Discover back in September of 2018, but it's an application that has to be accessed on your mobile device. It functions similarly to Facebook’s and Instagram’s feed functionality. Discover will show you articles and content based on your interests and will continue feeding articles in an “infinite-scroll” manner (it’s not truly infinite scroll, but behaves similarly) as a user views the feed. Like Facebook, you can also get rid of the articles or content you're not interested in, refining the feed to only contain content that appeals to you.

Social Media for Small Business: Value and Strategy

As we continue working with clients on their website development, search engine marketing (SEM), and search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, more questions are being asked about how social media can be utilized for their business marketing, and where to start depending on budget and industry.

What is Domain Authority and How to Improve It?

If you’ve dipped your toes into the world of search engine optimization (SEO), you’ve likely stumbled across the mysterious metric of domain authority (DA) in one form or another. Domain authority, domain rating (DR), authority score, etc. are all similar metrics used and developed by SEO tool creators such as Moz, Ahrefs, and Semrush to measure the overall quality of a webpage – that’s the intent, at least. 

Do Google Reviews Play a Role in Local SEO Rankings?

When you whip out your phone and do a quick online search for a local restaurant that you’ve never been to before, what’s the first thing you check before deciding to pull the trigger and dropping your hard earned cash? That’s right! Like everyone else you check the Google Reviews, why? Because who wants to spend their hard earned dough on crappy food or bad service.