Google Keywords: Types, Their Purposes, & When To Use Them

Google Keywords: Types, Their Purposes, & When To Use Them

Keywords are words and phrases that are used to match ads with the search terms that people are searching for. There are different types of keyword matches that tell Google how aggressively or restrictively to match your advertisements to user queries. These match types include broad match, phrase match, exact match, and negative match.

Broad Match

  • When using broad match keywords, your ads are eligible to show when the user's search query includes any word in your keyphrase, in any order, and any word that relates to your keyword. This can even include related searches that may not contain any of your original keywords.
    • Example: If your keyword is Google Ads, your ad might show for search terms like advertising, digital marketing, and online ads.
  • Broad match keywords will match with the most search queries. Though this type of keyword is great for getting a high volume of impressions for your ad, it can result in your ad displaying for irrelevant searches and can result in higher costs.
  • The best practice of use for broad match keywords is to use them to reach a wide audience, and when your goal is to increase brand awareness or to attract as many visitors to your website as possible.

Phrase Match

  • When using phrase match keywords, your ads are eligible to show when a user's search query includes the meaning of your keyword. Search queries must include the original keywords, but can include other words in the search.
    • Example: If your keyword is “website design”, your ad might show for search terms like website design in Boise, design our website, and best website designers.
  • Phrase match keywords will match with fewer search terms than broad match keywords but may be more relevant to your business's offerings.
  • The best practice of use for phrase match keywords is to use them to reach a more targeted audience. Phrase match keywords are good when your goal is to get sales and conversions.

Exact Match

  • When using exact match keywords, your ads are only eligible to show when the user's search query includes your exact keywords. Exact match keywords include singular and plural forms, abbreviations, and misspellings
    • Example: If your keyword is [digital marketing firm], your ad would only show for search terms like digital marketing firm, and digital marketing firms.
  • Exact match keywords will match with the least search terms but will display your ads for the most qualified searches.
  • The best practice of use for exact match keywords is to use them when related search terms are irrelevant or if your business offering is very niche. Exact match keywords are also useful if your budget is constrained, and there is high competition among keywords. Exact match keywords can be a valuable tool for maximizing ROI.

Negative Match Types

Negative match keywords are used to exclude your ads from searches that include bad or irrelevant terms.

  • Negative Broad Match
    • When using negative broad match keywords, your ad won't show when the search includes all negative keyword terms.
  • Negative Phrase Match
    • When using negative phrase match keywords, your ad won't show when the search includes the exact keywords in the same order.
  • Negative Exact Match
    • When using negative phrase match keywords, your ad won't show when the search includes the exact keywords, in the same order, without extra words.

Building a successful Google Ads Campaign is difficult, and correctly using all of Google Ads’ settings and features is challenging. Contact us today to learn how the SEO Idaho team can create and maintain your Google Ads for you. View our reviews page to see all of our client success stories of how we’ve successfully implemented Google Ads.